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Paying It Forward Is The Quiet Poetry Of Kindness

"Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day, someone might do the same for you." Princess Diana   Di luar jendela, gerimis membasahi jalanan, memantulkan cahaya lampu yang bagaikan bintang-bintang kecil...

Food Is More Than Nourishment. It’s a Gesture Of Care

"What brings us together is the pleasure of sharing food, stories, and time."  Alice Waters   Asap tipis mengepul dari mangkuk-mangkuk tanah liat berisikan soup, membaur dengan aroma pedas yang memenuhi udara. Di sudut restaurant kecil di Chengdu, lampion merah...

Roots of Trust Nourish The Tree of Shared Purpose

"Harmony is achieved when relationships are built on trust and respect."   Rembulan tersenyum malu-malu di balik jendela, memantulkan sinarnya yang lembut ke dalam ruangan. Percakapan kami mengalir seperti sungai yang tenang. Saya menatap anak muda itu, sorot...
Paying It Forward Is The Quiet Poetry Of Kindness

Paying It Forward Is The Quiet Poetry Of Kindness

"Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day, someone might do the same for you." Princess Diana   Di luar jendela, gerimis membasahi jalanan, memantulkan cahaya lampu yang bagaikan bintang-bintang kecil...

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Food Is More Than Nourishment. It’s a Gesture Of Care

Food Is More Than Nourishment. It’s a Gesture Of Care

"What brings us together is the pleasure of sharing food, stories, and time."  Alice Waters   Asap tipis mengepul dari mangkuk-mangkuk tanah liat berisikan soup, membaur dengan aroma pedas yang memenuhi udara. Di sudut restaurant kecil di Chengdu, lampion merah...

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Roots of Trust Nourish The Tree of Shared Purpose

Roots of Trust Nourish The Tree of Shared Purpose

"Harmony is achieved when relationships are built on trust and respect."   Rembulan tersenyum malu-malu di balik jendela, memantulkan sinarnya yang lembut ke dalam ruangan. Percakapan kami mengalir seperti sungai yang tenang. Saya menatap anak muda itu, sorot...

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The Sweetest Moments Are Woven In Imperfection

The Sweetest Moments Are Woven In Imperfection

"True beauty is not in perfection, but in the moments that bring us closer, despite the mess."   Saya dan Sisca melangkah bersama menyusuri jalan campus, suasana musim gugur yang semakin mendalam di Leeds membuat langkah kami terasa lebih pelan. Tiba-tiba, ide...

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Simplicity Is The Poetry Of Life

Simplicity Is The Poetry Of Life

"The true value of things is not measured by their grandeur, but by the comfort they bring to our hearts."   Di bulan October, musim gugur perlahan menyapa kota Leeds dengan udara sejuk yang merayap pelan, membawa aroma daun yang basah dan tanah yang lembap....

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Harmony Emerges When Space Is Allowed To Breathe

Harmony Emerges When Space Is Allowed To Breathe

"Harmony is born not from what fills the space, but from the space itself."   Saya memutuskan menjelajahi bagian referensi architecture dan menemukan buku tentang taman traditional Jepang. Saat membuka halamannya, tertuju pada gambar taman Zen, hamparan pasir...

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Space Is Not Emptiness, But A Canvas For The Soul

Space Is Not Emptiness, But A Canvas For The Soul

"True beauty lies not in what is filled, but in the spaces that surround."   Saat duduk di ruang baca National Diet Library, tenggelam dalam keheningan yang begitu nyata, pikiran saya tiba-tiba melayang pada concept Jepang yang pernah saya dengar: Ma.  ...

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A Library is Where Knowledge Meets Wisdom in Silence

A Library is Where Knowledge Meets Wisdom in Silence

"The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library." – Albert Einstein   Langkah kaki saya perlahan memasuki main building National Diet Library, tempat di mana keheningan terasa lebih nyata daripada suara. Hiruk-pikuk Tokyo seolah...

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Kindness is Free to Give, But Priceless to Receive

Kindness is Free to Give, But Priceless to Receive

"The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit." — Nelson Henderson   Saya melangkah mendekati main building Diet Library yang memancarkan ketenangan di tengah hiruk-pikuk Tokyo. Dinding yang tinggi memberikan kesan kokoh,...

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A Drop of Kindness Colors The Grayest Skies

A Drop of Kindness Colors The Grayest Skies

"Sometimes, we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." – Leo Buscaglia   Ketika akhirnya kami tiba di station yang benar, dia tersenyum lembut, memberikan...

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