0062 8119985858 info@sarahbeekmans.co.id
Forgiveness Lets Peace Overshadow The Pain

Forgiveness Lets Peace Overshadow The Pain

“You can’t forgive without loving. And I don’t mean sentimentality. I don’t mean mush. I mean having enough courage to stand up and say, ‘I forgive. I’m finished with it.’” – Maya Angelou   Embun yang tersisa di dedaunan berkilau lembut di bawah cahaya mentari...
In Forgiving Others, We Mend What Anger Could Break In Us

In Forgiving Others, We Mend What Anger Could Break In Us

“Forgiveness isn’t just a gift you give to others, it’s a gift you give to yourself.”   Suasana pagi yang segar perlahan berganti dengan hiruk-pikuk saat kami kembali menuju apartement. Arsyl tampak lebih relax, meskipun pikirannya jelas penuh dengan pertanyaan...
Faith Is The Gentle Wind That Carries Us Forward

Faith Is The Gentle Wind That Carries Us Forward

“The power to grow lies not in knowing the outcome, but in trusting the journey.”   Arsyl tersenyum kecil, matanya sedikit redup tapi terlihat lebih tenang dari sebelumnya. “Iya, Sarah. Mungkin melepaskan itu sebenarnya bentuk dari keberanian. Berani...
When Leaves Fall, The Tree Whispers of Renewal

When Leaves Fall, The Tree Whispers of Renewal

“Sometimes you have to let go of the life you pictured to make room for the life that’s waiting for you.” – Joseph Campbell   Arsyl tetap duduk diam, matanya terpaku pada dedaunan yang bergerak perlahan, seolah menyelami pikirannya lebih dalam. Angin pagi yang...
The Fall Clears Space For Spring

The Fall Clears Space For Spring

“The tree knows: to reach higher, it must shed what no longer nourishes.”   Langit semakin cerah dari biru pucat ke semburat biru batu saphire. Burung parkeet hijau tak henti berkicau  di udara. Arsyl tampak lebih tenang sekarang, bersandar di bangku kayu,...
Strength Is Built In Silence, One Root At a Time

Strength Is Built In Silence, One Root At a Time

“The winds may bend the branches, but the roots only dig deeper.”   Langit di atas Whitworth Park berubah cerah, menyapu sisa-sisa kabut yang tadi menggantung seperti tirai tebal di udara. Angin lembut membawa aroma tanah basah, menghidupkan suasana...
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