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“Being blessed is a condition of the heart and a frame of mind.” – Errin Rhorie


Langit terlihat cerah  dengan rembulan yang bulat sempurna terlihat jelas dikeheningan malam. Sesekali terdengar suara desir angin sepoi-sepoi yang sedang melewati dedaunan yang melekat di ranting pepohonan. Kerlipan bintang juga ikut  menemani percakapan saya  dengan mbak Yovi malam itu.


“Ramai banget dan aku sampai sekarang biasa-biasa saja lho kalau ada booth orang lain ramai karena rezeki itu sudah ada yang atur.” Mbak Yovi melanjutkan pembicaraan tentang kisah kami tradeshow bersama Pak Dewa, owner Naputo yang boothnya sangat ramai saat di Hong Kong.


“Aku jadi ingat waktu pertama kali tradeshow bareng ke Fukuoka dan booth mbak Yovi ramai sekali, aku ikut jumpalitan saking senangnya.”

“Booth kamu akhirnya ramai juga kan setelah sering pameran ke Jepang.” Mbak Yovi mengingatkan kembali untuk mensyukuri garis rezeki masing-masing.


Percakapan singkat tersebut membuat saya semakin menyadari pentingnya to appreciate everything that I have now, rather than what I don’t . Because even when I have all the things that I want now, there will always be something else that I need. Bukankah keserakahan tak mempunyai ambang batas ?.


I should also remember that comparing with others doesn’t even make sense, since no two people had the exact same starting line in the race called “life”. Always compete “today me” with “yesterday me”.


In addition, I should feel contented for what I have with me rather than cribbing about the birds that are not in my hand. I just need to make the most of my blessings. If I am good at something, do it, just try to love and feel blessed for being myself.


Dear Mbak Yov, thank you for being you  and for always staying true.

Dear me, count your rainbows, not your thunderstorms so count your blessings and shake it off.


“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” – Willie Nelson

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