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“The tongue has no bones, but is strong enough to break a heart. So be careful with your words.”


Kidung alam  mengalun lembut dari dalam sanubari dan bergema hingga ke sekeliling seakan menyusur mulai dari parit bumi hingga atap langit yang sebiru batu sapphire. Di saat mengayunkan langkah, dari kejauhan mbak Patsy melambaikan tangan dan saya membalas dengan penuh semangat.


“Ada kisah unik di Eropa kemarin.”

“Apa, mbak Pats? “ Menunggu dengan penuh curiousity.

“Ibu itu telephone teman aku mau pinjam barangnya untuk dijual di pameran Eropa. Saat di telephone,  ‘Ada stock barang ini tidak ? Boleh pinjam?’ Dijawab ‘Boleh, ada banyak koq.’“


“Eh ibu itu dengan polosnya, ‘Koq banyak? Nggak laku yah?’ Teman aku kesal karena mau dipinjamkan untuk niat menolong, ‘Oh iya, jangan di pinjam. Nanti jelek booth kamu kalau display product yang tidak laku.’


“Wah drama pembeli online,  di dunia nyata ternyata ada yah, mbak Pats.” Sembari menunjukkan screen capture salah satu meme yang hampir mirip percakapan tersebut.

Moment dibalik percakapan unik tersebut membuat saya tertegun sesaat tentang betapa pentingnya berpikir before I speak. Oh well, I know it’s hard because speaking is thinking eventhough we tend to associate thinking as not speaking.


Actually, thinking is our inner voice and speech is about the same, just we say it out loud so they are both the output of what spontaneously comes to mind and they both inspire the brain in a similar manner. Yep, thinking is speaking to myself and speaking is thinking to others.


“A wise man’s tongue is located beneath his heart. If he wishes to speak, his words will refer to his heart. The heart of an ignorant man, however, is on the tip of his tongue.His words never refer to his heart and whatever his tongue desires to utter, he will say

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