“If you could put yourself in someone else’s shoes, see what they see, hear what they hear, feel what they feel, would you treat them differently ?”
Philipose John
“Hey Sarah, I want to invite you for a dinner with my husband tonight.” Wajahnya sumringah sembari menyungingkan senyum. Saya terloncat kaget karena ia tiba-tiba muncul di booth menjelang saya sedang bersiap pulang kembali ke apartment.
Setelah kaget saya hilang lalu memberikan pelukan hangat kepada Emma, teman sewaktu kuliah di Inggris. ” Yes, sure, tapi kapan ? Besok pagi saya sudah kembali ke Indonesia.”
“1 jam dari sekarang, how about that ?” Ia membalas dengan nada optimis.
“Kamu selalu datang ke booth mendadak dan invite saya at 1 hour notice. Thank you so much but I told you many times that if you want us to have dinner together, it’s best to schedule because my evenings are so booked.“
“Sarah, I am really sorry tapi saya bekerja 6 days a week with 12 hours shift so my schedule is so unpredictable. Saya tidak ingin set schedule dengan kamu namun pada akhirnya back out. Saya merasa that it will be so disrespectul to you.”Ia memberikan penjelasan yang membuat saya tercengang.
Selama ini saya merasa Emma sangatlah disrespectful karena selalu mengajak dinner tanpa mau membuat appointment terlebih dahulu. Penjelasan singkatnya totally alter my way of seeing things so that night I skipped one of my schedule and I went to dinner with her and had a great time.
Dear me, sometimes you have to wear other people’s shoes in order to appreciate where they’re coming from.
“Walk a mile in my shoes, see what I see, hear what I hear, feel what I feel. Then maybe you’ll understand why I do what I do, until then don’t judge me.”